
Unique Jewelry - OOAK

Unique Jewelry - OOAK (One of a kind)

Many friends of mine are interest in making their own jewelry. Normally, they have one major question – Where are the design ideas from? Date back for over 10 years ago. I do have the same problem. With time goes by, I have learned a few tips to get good design ideas. What we need is to stay young in mindset, open minded and to have the patience to look around.

To have your own design, you need to have high level of creativity and imagination. Everyone wants to have their unique design. Unique means different from others. There needs look of creativity.

What I normally do is to do a substantial desk research. I read many fashion and jewelry magazines to grip the market trend. I watch movies and have my eyes glued at how the top movie stars and fashion designers dress and wear. Undoubtedly, dress and wear need to match perfectly such that the good side of the jewelry is optimized. I scan through internets in particular the fashion webpage. Remember! Copy of ideas is legal as long as there is no violation of copyright issues. Majority of the jewelry designs have no copyright. We can just use other ideas and build on top of them to make our products more appealing. Here imagination and creative mindset are needed.

I have another habit. When I am on street during shopping or whatever, if I see someone wear and dress charming, I have my eye staring at their dresses, earrings, necklaces, rings etc.., just want to learn from them. Remember! Steal is pride under such circumstances. Don’t be shy! Besides, quite often I hang around jewelry shops to check the new design.

Last but not the least, try to sketch your design, prepare the material and make your favorite jewelry. Don’t be afraid of mistakes. Thousands of failures generate one successful invention. There is no difference for a successful handmade jewelry design.

Remember! Read more, see more, have a creative mindset, be imaginative and have a never-say-die try-and-error spirit. You will have your unique, all of a kind jewelry for yourself and maybe your loved one.

Have fun!

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